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Guded Dream

A Guided Dream is a psychocorporeal experience designed to stimulate one's inner world, allowing it to emerge from the subconscious and manifest into a safe and supportive space.


The journey will be entirely guided by my voice along with the comforting sound of my singing bowls if we are working in presence.​

Body scan – body awareness techniques will bring you in a deep state of relaxation and passive awareness so that we can gradually flow into the dream and explore the magic realm of limitless possibilities.​​​​



A dream can focus on the exploration of the subconscious material. In this case, after the relaxation phase, I will propose very open and general symbols to gently stimulate the imagination, setting a stage that will be filled by your own subconscious material. Other than deep relaxation, body awareness and groundedness, you will experience a range of multisensory feelings, images, symbols and memories. Your dream will be a unique representation of your inner world. ​ This process strengthens the bridge between different layers of consciousness, helping participants to realize – become aware of and feel - the material stored in their subconscious, rewire their responses and ultimately change the way they react to triggers.

Alternatively, the dream’s narrative can be tailored to a specific topic. Because the brain doesn’t always distinguish between sensory input from the external environment and internally generated sensations, especially when these are accompanied by feelings, when we immerse ourselves in the vivid experience of this kind of guided dream, our brain often processes it with the same intensity as if they were happening in the real world. Both situations activate overlapping neural pathways. 

We may choose this kind of dream if we want to plant a seed in your subconscious that can be as specific as your personal situation requires.

A guided dream can thus be a profoundly transformative journey, serving as a powerful tool for both subconscious exploration and cognitive reprogramming.


Contact me to schedule your session and take the first step towards a new level of self-awareness!
Dreams are powerful, insightful and a lot of fun! It can be experienced solo, in couple or in a group setting.
I lead dreams in both English and Italian.


Available online.

​Wherever you are I can easily reach your ears and get this deep journey started.  


This work is the culmination of my studies in body-mind psychology, Yoga Nidra practice that I learned at a Shivananda ashram in India and deepend with Swami Yogaratna Saraswati and my research on the effects of sound and vibration.

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