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Hi, I'm Anna


Since childhood, I’ve been highly sensitive to the more subtle layers of reality and fascinated by how the natural order expresses itself through us, humans.

After earning a degree in Psychology, I graduated from the three-year practitioner program at the European Shiatsu Institute in Turin.

Early in my practice, I quickly began to experience the deeper, unspoken aspects of the work—what can only be sensed between the lines, under the skin of the invisible.

It became clear to me how crucial it is to connect with clients in a meditative, non-judgmental state and to trust whatever unfolds during the session, no matter how surprising it may be.

After a few years of practice, I embarked on a one-way self-healing journey. I spent a few months in Sinai before finding myself on a sailing boat to India.​ Tibetan Buddhist centers and Sivananda Yoga ashrams became my home. I immersed myself in yogic cleanses, breathwork, meditation, and Yoga Nidra, fully experiencing their transformative power.

I never looked back.

This ongoing journey has greatly enriched both my life and my sessions.  Eventually, I made my base in Sinai four years ago, prioritizing my spiritual path. It's on this land, where I started to experience and work with the spontaneous movements of Life Force.

Every day I'm excited to see how all this unfolds in each session and where this journey takes me, every step of the way. 

The evolution of my style has been significantly influenced by fascia release work studied with Gabriella Poli, Seiki and Katsugen with Alice Whieldon, and Ampuku Abdominal Acupressure with Philippe Vandenabeele.


A jump in the past...


July 2015 -  September 2018

In July 2015, I avoided a surgery that was supposed to keep me in bed for a few months. Blessed with a sudden freedom, I applied at the last minute to work as an in-home shiatsu practitioner at a few events in Europe.

I knew time was tight and chances were slim, but two of them accepted. I quickly organized my first portable Shiatsu House, packed it into my car together with basic camping gear and left the city for what would become my first “on the road” healing adventure.

The project was an unexpected success and grew over the years.

I bought a van and created a dream-like portable healing sanctuary. ​

I travelled with it for four summers and welcomed hundreds of people from different backgrounds into my Shiatsu House, my healing practice and back into themselves, the only universe really worth exploring.

My “Zen on the Road” project was welcomed in Switzerland, Slovenia, Hungary, Italy, Albania and Sweden.

I took it to music festivals, yoga gatherings, retreats ,and beach camps along the way.

It was fun, tiring, very educational and certainly magical.

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