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The point we emphasize is strong confidence in our original nature



Healing with Anna

Our bodies are incredibly beautiful and incredibly complex, storing experiences, emotions, and belief we've encountered—often in ways that affect us long after the original events have passed.

From childhood moments to inherited ancestral energy and societal conditioning, these imprints shape our lives and can hold us in patterns that disconnect us from our true self.

My role as a practitioner is to work with your body’s inner wisdom, guiding it to restore balance and release deep-seated imprints.

The process isn’t about forcing change, but rather allowing the body to feel safe enough to heal naturally.

In my toolbox: Seiki Soho and Zen Shiatsu , fascia release, Katsugen Undo, Ampuku abdominal acupressure, restorative yoga, sound healing, relaxation methods and guided dreams.

Together, we create a personalized and integrative approach that supports you in your process of fulfilling your best potential.

Whether you’re new to energy healing or have been on this journey for some time, the work will meet you exactly where you are, helping you to let go of what no longer serves you.

During a session, your body’s intelligence takes the lead, allowing a range of experiences—from involuntary movements and emotional releases to moments of insight and profound stillness.

While the journey is unique for everyone, the goal is always the same: to restore a natural, harmonic state of being and flow of energy, freeing you from the past and reconnecting you with the present moment.

This healing is a gradual process that unfolds with patience and love, allowing for a deeper connection to yourself and the world around you.

I do not diagnose conditions, and my treatment should not be seen as a substitute for medical care.

It’s important to consult with your doctor or psychotherapist as needed.

Wait no longer... Book a session!


Seiki Soho can be understood as the "technique for working with vital life energy."​  It's the core and art of Shiatsu and its natural evolution.  It focuses, trough touch and connection between therapist and receiver, on the activation of the natural, spontaneous movement of Life Force to release stagnant information registered in the body’s memory and restore a state of harmony.


Katsugen Undo translates as “movement from within” or “life renewing itself”.

Rooted in ancient Japanese Shinto shamanic practices, Katsugen Undo involves consciously surrender to the inner movement as a means of cleansing and purification. 

Katsugen Undo is accessible to everyone, requiring no special equipment or prior experience. 


A Guided Dream is a psychocorporeal experience designed to stimulate one's inner world, allowing it to emerge from the subconscious and manifest into a safe and supportive space. 

A guided dream can be a profoundly transformative journey, serving as a powerful tool for both subconscious exploration and cognitive reprogramming.

Online Offerings

Online Offerings

I offer online sessions to people I've previously met and worked with in person, allowing us to maintain and deepen the connection we've already established in the physical realm.
I will guide you into a state of receptiveness through relaxation techniques, connecting with you on an energetic level.

We can explore further subconscious work with Guided Dreams or continue our clearing process using Katsugen Undo.



A Shiatsu treatment with Anna is as professional and knowledgeable as it is deep and sensitive. I have done many massages with many different therapists in my life and not many have had such a thorough intuition and skill to read the body and respond every time reliably the way my body needed it. Anna knows exactly how long or how hard to push a certain point for it to release but not overwhelm, inviting me to work and focus with a sensation but not to hurt or press in a way that it becomes too much or even painful to handle. Apart from feeling an increase in physical wellbeing the work with Anna goes much deeper, touching shadows and traumas in a way that invites to release.  I had many little trembles or uncomfortable emotions coming up during sessions and always felt fully supported and held to move through and let go. It never felt scary or too much. Having had the luxury to take several sessions over a span of a couple of months, I have noticed an increase in general wellbeing and a lightness to life that visits me more and more consistently. Through the integrative talks at the end of every session with Anna, I know that she is well aware of what she is working at, we speak about the same things. The accuracy amazes me every time and speaks for a high level of knowledge and skill in Shiatsu Therapy. I will  continue to go. 


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